Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Library Book Club Meeting!

The J.S. Flipper Library Book Club had their second book club meeting to discuss the book "The Hunger Games" by Suzanne Collins.  Book club member, Kelton Mashore shares his thoughts on Monday Nights meeting.

For the first meeting of the book club I did not know what to expect for my first encounter with fellow peers and Ms. Parker herself.  When we met I was a bit skeptical about the success of the book club basing my assumption off of what I see daily at Allen. Most of my fellow scholars hardly ever read anything that was not assigned for class.

There were three of us in my first meeting.  I always envisioned book clubs to be full of book worms that had a common love for the novel they were reading or just a tad bit obsessed with the reading that they were taking up.  To my surprise this book club was somewhat entertaining.  Ms. Parker jumped right in with first asking us how far we read, and then gave us a brief synopsis of the story.

My questions were all over the place but they were answered effectively by our instructor.  We all gave our interpretations of what the story is advocating to us and this is how I learned about the others around me.  The most intriguing thing that came out during our discussion about the book is human survival and human endurance, how far will we go to stay alive and would we kill if necessary.  I still can’t answer that one and hopefully I won’t ever have to answer that question but at least I know that Ms. Parker wouldn’t kill me.  All in all, my first meeting surpassed my expectations of what I thought a book club would be and hopefully I can continue to learn not only about the book but humanity as well.
- Kelton Mashore

Look for more blog entires from members of the library book club in the coming weeks!!!

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